Who We Are
Valley Mills Library Association, Inc. / history of the Valley Mills Public Library
The Valley Mills Public Library began as a dream , with the Community Development Association taking on the project. Bob Allen was president at that time (1990). Organizational meeting for library was held August 14, 1989 . A Library Board was appointed -- President- Marjorie Yarbro, Vice-Pres. -- Bryant Schuetz, Secretary -- Teresa Squires, Treasurer -- John Gilliam, and with Hilda Heath Hill Hope, Irene McLennan, and Jack Donaldson. Steve Robertson of Clifton drew up the Articles of Incorporation in 1990.
The shell of a building was built by TSTI in Waco; many people of Valley Mills helped with the completion of the building for it to be a library. The library opened its doors to the public in Janurary 1992. In July 1995 Kathleen Fisk Hale became President of the Board and Librarian; on August 22, 1996 she and John Gilliam signed the Resolution for the library to become a member of the Central Texas Library System (CTLS).
The library is supported by both the City of Valley Mills and the Library Association, along with grants. In the past the library has received grants from TIF for Internet and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation twice for two computers each, the Viburnam Foundation ("Center for the Book") for books, the Bernard & Audre Rapoport Foundation (April 2006 to April 2008, & for '09,) Tocker Foundation for furniture in Sept. '10 for $6,859, a $10,000 grant, Dobie Award, for books in April ' 11 and a $3000 literacy grant project funded by Dollar General for Summer 2011--and $675 for the Every child Ready to Read project in Summer '11-- and the Loan Star Libraries Grants. The library has received the local Coop Round-Up grant for $2500 these past two years. $2000 grant from Dollar General in May 2014 for Summer Reading Program 2014, and a Dollar General Grant in May 2015 for $1500.00 for the Summer Reading Program, including books. ....... Again in 2018 the library received a grant from Dollar General.
In October 2020 the library received a grant from the Ladd & Katherine Hancher Foundation for an art project; Donna Taylor served as the ARt Coordinator. To continue that project in 2022 there were individual donations and a grant from the Ed Rachal Foundation in December 2021 for 2022.
President -- Clova Gibson
Vice-Pres. Roger Molenda
Secretary Robin Prause
Treasurer Cindee Molenda/ Past treas. Kitty Poston
Other board members are :
Alice Filler, Perla McMullen, Jordan McNamara,
Shelby Hyde, and Heidi Morgan
Craig Godby, City Council Representative
Volunteer Work Chairman -- Cindee Molenda
Art Committee --Daphne Tenant, B. Banks, Perla McMullen,
Daphne Diab, Shelby Hyde & Jordan McNamara
Education and Community Support---
Brittany Banks, Chairman; Craig Godby, Shelby Hyde,
Jordan McNamara, Perla McMullen, Robin Prause
Fundraising committee-- Jordan McNamara, Chairman
C. Molenda, Heidi Morgan, Robin Prause, Lydia Pliscott
Library volunteer work -- Cindee Molenda, Chairman
Alice Filler, Daphne Tenant,
(Summer) - Shelby Hyde, Perla McMullen, Robin Prause,
Brittany Banks, Daphne Diab, Lydia Pliscott
In the past ..........
Officers 2017 - 2020
President Vice-President |
Gaye Lynn Seawright ( as of Jan 16, 2017-----past President - Donna Boyd - Cathey Trankovich Immediate Past Pres. laurel Paulson |
Secretary |
Carolyn Yastic past: Tom Pinkston/ Rena Sue Shampton, past sec. / Clova Gibson past secretary |
Treasurer |
Kitty Poston ---- Liz Caraway, immediate past treas., Janice Wingate, Alverta Slaughter and Jackie Dulus (2010-), past treasurers |
The rotating Board members are as follows:
2010 - 2013 2011 -- 2014
Janice Wingate Cathy Trankovich
Donna Boyd Laurel Paulson
Clova Gibson Gary Adrian/
Liz Caraway
2012 -- 2015 2014 - 2017 2015--2018 2016 --2019
John Shampton Sharon Humphries Carolyn Yastic G. L. Seawright
Rena Sue Shampton Tom Pinkston Kitty Poston 2017-2020
Donna Veteto Cathey Trankovich Janey Kaiser Jennifer Boles
Pictured below are: Wanda Harris, (Friends group) Barbara O'Banion (Past President), Diane Marken (Past President), and Jo Meyer (Friends Chairman) at a Dinner and Dance |
Friends of the Library
(1992--2009): Barbara O'Banion, past Chairman with Jo Meyer, Co-Chairman.
Library Staff
Kathleen Hale -- Director / Librarian
In the past----
Carolyn Houston - Circulation desk volunteer Jan 2013 - Dec 2013
Louise McGrath -- Circulation Desk ( 1994---Sept. 30, 2009)
VISTA committee '08
Brenda Edwards -- Development Coordinator, AmeriCorp VISTA member
Connie Longoria